These are a couple of projects for which 180 hired me – back then – as a freelance art director to support the in-house art director on some of his first photo shoots. The concepts were already in place and my intervention was limited to solving the complexity of some of the compositions. I wasn't involved in the refinement of their epic final results.


Gimme the ball

F50 – International campaign

Agency 180 Communications Amsterdam

Role Co-art direction of the visual's composition and on photo shoot sessions

This is the DPS print ad featuring a cropped version of the final visual.


Impossible field

Elite  International campaign

Agency 180 Communications Amsterdam

Role Co-art direction on the athletes' photo shoot sessions


The agency also hired me to work on the visuals for the World Cup print campaign +10. Here also, the concept revolving around a 'recruitment' idea was already in place, so my intervention was limited to exploring and developing graphical solutions, and I wasn't involved in the final produced executions.


World Cup 2006  International campaign

Agency 180 Communications Amsterdam

Role Art direction + design developments

This is a selection of some early design proposals and research featuring the campaign's identity and adidas athletes with their national colours.